Einar Midthun


I'm pursuing a M.Sc. in Computer Science/AI, Economy and Business, at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, with an expected graduation Spring 2026. In the Fall of 2023, I'm an exchange student at the University of Hawaii. In the Spring of 2024, I'll be an exchange student at the University of Cape Town.

Interests: Cyber security, Economics, Software development


Campus Concert 2023-12

A school project website which works as a platform for campus musicsians to discover each other and find upcoming concerts.

JavaScript GitHub Reach.js Meteor Testcafe

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Nordlandsbanen 2023

A console-based program that used databases to store all train traffic on Nordlandsbanen in Norway.

SQLite Python git Database

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Numerical calculation of a rolling ball 2022-11

A report from a physics class, calculating the velocity and energy of a rolling ball.

Python Jupyter Notebook Physics Numpy

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BookingApp 2022

A school project desktop application that handles the bookings for a hotel.

Java git FXML JUnit

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Learning more than just coding

13 Dec 2023

One thing is learning to code …but being a software engineer requires a lof of other skills as well. It’s like how a carpenter needs to know how to use a hammer, but also how to design solid structures and...

Software Engineering The whole package

Choosing optimal design

30 Nov 2023

Starting without a plan It’s not until you actually start building big projects, you realize that you need to have a plan for you code. You can’t just start writing, and hope everything works together well. What if you come...

Design patterns

Using AI to get better

16 Nov 2023

Introduction Just like everyone else, I was stunned and surprised when OpenAI launched their first publicly available ChatGPT model. I had previously been introduced to applications of AI that impressed me, like how Siri works, and how it’s possible to...

AI ChatGPT GitHub CoPilot

UI Framworks

03 Oct 2023

Reaching the front As a guy with no previous experience with frontend development, I had a hard time when one of my college classes started requiring me to build webpages in HTML and CSS. The progress was slow, I had...

Bootstrap5 HTML CSS

Standarizing my code

21 Sep 2023

I needed a tool I have just been introduced to coding standards. And it feels like the tool I’ve been missing, since the day I started coding. After some time of fiddling around with getting the syntax right, I have...

ESLint Standards

To ask or not to ask, that is the question

07 Sep 2023

No problem is unique Three and a half years ago, I started my coding career. Throughout those years I’ve encountered so many problems I didn’t know the answer to, that I could’ve been a problem finder, as a full-time job....

StackOverflow Smart questions

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